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well, friend, on this and the opposite bank, as far as your eye can reach. A raft, even a canoe?”
Nicholas and Nadia, grasping the bushes on the edge of the cliff, bent over the water. The view they thus obtained was extensive. At this place the Yenisei is not less than a mile in width, and forms two arms, of unequal size, through which the waters flow swiftly. Between these arms lie several islands, covered with alders, willows, and poplars, looking like verdant ships, anchored in the river. Beyond rise the high hills Nike Air Max 87 Womens of the Eastern shore, crowned with forests, whose tops were then empurpled with light. The Yenisei stretched on either side as far as the eye could reach. The Nike Air Max 2018 Mens beautiful panorama lay before them for a distance of fifty versts.
But not a boat was to be seen. All had been taken away or destroyed, according to order. Unless the Tartars should bring with them materials for building a bridge of boats, their march towards Irkutsk would certainly be stopped for some time by this barrier, the Yenisei.
“I remember,” said Michael, “that Air Flight Huarache higher up, on the outskirts of Krasnoiarsk, there is a little quay. There the boats touch. Friend, let us go up the river, and see if some boat has not been forgotten on the bank.”
Nadia seized Michael’s hand and started off at a rapid pace in the Real Madrid Dresi direction indicated. If only a boat or a barge large enough to hold the kibitka could be found, or even one that would carry just themselves, Michael would not hesitate to attempt the passage! Twenty minutes after, all Colombia Drakt Barn three had reached the little quay, with houses on each side quite down to the water’s edge. It was like a village standing Nike Lebron 16 Womens beyond the town of Krasnoiarsk.
But not a boat was on the shore, not a barge at the little wharf, Cameron Borthwick-Jackson Pelipaita nothing even of which a raft could be made large enough to carry three people. Michael questioned Nicholas, who made the discouraging reply that the crossing appeared to him absolutely impracticable.
“We shall cross!” answered Michael.
The search was continued. They Ruotsi examined the houses on the shore, abandoned like all the rest of Krasnoiarsk. They had merely to push open the doors and enter. The cottages were evidently those of poor people, and quite empty. Nicholas visited one, Nadia entered another, and even Michael went here and there Liverpool Drakt Barn and felt about, hoping to light upon some article that might be useful.
Nicholas and the girl had each fruitlessly rummaged these cottages and were about to give up the search, when they heard themselves called. Both ran to the bank and saw Michael standing on the threshold of MBT Wingue Women Shoes a door.
“Come!” he exclaimed. Nicholas and Nadia went Daniele De Rossi Pelipaita towards him and followed him into the cottage.
“What are these?” asked Michael, touching several objects piled up in a Everton Pelipaita corner.
“They are leathern bottles,” answered Nicholas.
“Are they full?”
“Yes, full of koumyss. We have found them very opportunely to renew our provisions!”
“Koumyss” is a drink made of mare’s or camel’s milk, and is very sustaining, and even intoxicating; so that Nicholinks:
